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Vivienne C Bachelet

Vivienne C Bachelet, es Médica Cirujana Magíster en Epidemiología Clínica de la Universidad de la Frontera.
Su área de desarrollo e interés son métodos de investigación en salud, medicina basada en evidencias, reporting guidelines, ética de las publicaciones e integridad científica, revisiones sistemáticas para la síntesis de evidencia para políticas de salud.
- Bachelet VC, Uribe FA, Díaz RA, Vergara AF, Bravo‐Córdova F, Carrasco VA, et al. Misrepresentation of institutional affiliations: The results from an exploratory case study of Chilean authors. Learn Publ [Internet]. 2019 Aug 20;leap.1257. Available from:
- Uribe F, Bachelet V. 71 Misrepresented or unverified affiliations in the literature should be addressed by a consensus on the definition of affiliation. In: BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine [Internet]. Royal Society of Medicine; 2019 [cited 2019 Aug 1]. p. A40–1. Available from:
- Reveco R, Velásquez M, Bustos L, Goyenechea M, Bachelet VC. Determining the Operating Costs of a Medical Surveillance Program for Copper Miners Exposed to High Altitude–Induced Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia in Chile Using a Combination of Microcosting and Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing. Value Heal Reg Issues [Internet]. 2019 Dec;20:115–21. Available from:
- Bachelet VC. Advancing women in science, medicine and global health: on the #LancetWomen special issue. Medwave [Internet]. 2019 Mar 18;19(02):e7598–e7598. Available from:
- Bachelet VC. Getting your paper published fast: Medwave stats before and after introducing author fees. Medwave [Internet]. 2019 Mar 4;19(02):e7587–e7587. Available from:
- Bachelet VC, Goyenechea M, Carrasco VA. Policy strategies to reduce waiting times for elective surgery: A scoping review and evidence synthesis. Int J Health Plann Manage [Internet]. 2019 Feb 22; Available from:
- Bachelet VC, Uribe FA, Díaz RA, Vergara AF, Bravo-Córdova F, Carrasco VA, et al. Author misrepresentation of institutional affiliations: protocol for an exploratory case study. BMJ Open [Internet]. 2019 Feb 22;9(2):e023983. Available from:
- Bachelet VC, Pardo-Hernandez H. Quality of reporting and risk of bias of randomized clinical trials published in Spanish and Latin American journals. Medwave [Internet]. 2019;19(01):e7573–e7573. Available from:
- Heidari S, Bachelet VC. Sex and gender analysis for better science and health equity. Lancet [Internet]. 2018 Oct;392(10157):1500–2. Available from:
- Bachelet VC, Lanas F. Smoking and obesity in Chile’s Third National Health Survey: light and shade. Rev Panam Salud Pública [Internet]. 2018;42:e132. Available from:
- Bachelet VC. Work-related injuries resulting in death in Chile: a cross-sectional study on 2014 and 2015 registries. BMJ Open [Internet]. 2018 Jun 9;8(6):e020393. Available from:
- Lefio Á, Bachelet VC, Jiménez-Paneque R, Gomolán P, Rivas K. A systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions to reduce motor vehicle crashes and their injuries among the general and working populations. Rev Panam Salud Pública [Internet]. 2018;42:1–8. Available from: